Sunday, November 9, 2008

dh abes

exam dh abes!!!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

lecture 3

the meaning of product may be varied

from wikipedia :

Product (biology) -

The elements of compounds produced by a chemical reaction are known as Products.

In cellular biology, a cellular product is something "manufactured" by an organelle such as the Golgi apparatus.

Product (business) -

In marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need.[1] In retailing, products are called merchandise. In manufacturing, products are purchased as raw materials and sold as finished goods. Commodities are usually raw materials such as metals and agricultural products, but a commodity can also be anything widely available in the open market.

The verb produce (prə doos' or -dyoos') is from the Latin p

rōdūce(re), (to) lead or bring forth. The noun product (prod'əkt or-ukt) is "a thing produced by labor or effort".[2] Since 1575, the word "product" has referred to anything produced.[3] Since 1695, the word has referred to "thing or things produced". The economic or commercial meaning of product was first used by political economist Adam Smi


In general usage, product may refer to a single item or unit, a group of equivalent products, a grouping of goods or services, or an industrial classification for the goods or services.

but the meaning of product in Little Oxford English Dictionary is :

  • an article or substance manufactured for sale
  • a result of an action or process
  • a substance produced during a natural, chemical, or manufacturing process
  • a quantity obtained by multiplying one number by another (Math)

product was produced from the elements of :

form and space

nodes and path

illusio n ( visual illusion)-- you may be cheated b y your own eyes ---> visual illusions

form were attributed by:
  1. portion
  2. glow/shine
  3. size
  4. light
  5. colour
  6. texture
  7. accommodating tight welcoming

the information above were found from wikipedia and little oxford en glish dictionary

Monday, October 13, 2008


i hereby wants to give credits to cik wan for the pictures that i used into lecture 2..
thank you! thank you!
here is the site of cik wan:
please click the link -----> cik wan

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

dome day! group 19 assembled!

according to the assignment that cik wan have given us before.. im recalling about the production elements that he wanted for this project..

Intention : experiential, holistic, simulative learning
Actor : The group members! 5 of us-- aufa, firuzabadi, shaumi, idham and hafiz
Act : design, build, assemble and blog out the processes
Site : HBP premise
Rule :

  • zero cost -- wee!! we managed that!
  • prefabricated -- not a problem at all
  • packaged -- yes
  • accommodate 5 -- it can even fit up to 6 people!
  • carryable -- we can carry it
  • assembled in 30 minutes-- before 12pm.. we're done!
  • only by team members
  • show team identity -- green to nature and transparent resembles glass to our dome.. so kitorg mmg best!
  • life : 12 months
  • recyclable-- the bamboo can be used to make a raft, floor, and construct any object.. the pvc fabric can be turned into banner and table cloth
product : the dome!

before we start to get our dome to the proposed site.. cik wan have made a change to the site where all the site numbers that he linked it out at his website merely changed.. but we're group 19! it doesn't make any difference.. our site is still at the middle of the premise..

the site before it was changed

the changes of the site

apparently there are still some students that couldnt get into any team or they couldnt create one.. so this group of students were named the black widow team.. too bad for them and hopefully they could do the assignment given.. all the best folks!

as we left the shaped bamboos in the studio, we went back to get it and build it to the desire dome.. we stopped for photography session! idham is a camera freak so he loved it dearly!

snap!! we stopped for a rest

all of us inside our dome~ i've told ya we can fit into it

adjusting a few things before moving on to our site

inside the dome after we wrapped it with the pvc.. green and transparent! kitorang memang best!

we're inside the dome! it was raining and we are shading under it.. it was useful!

the look of the dome! finally.. we finished building it up! we even have visitors interested with our dome.. heheh

we were so exhausted! although it was fasting month we still had the energy to get through the rest of the day! i surely will never forget this experience! from struts (object) we connect them together the dome-like-a-building with a few finishes for the interior and exterior on the HBP premise, inside the urban of USM-- regional of Minden! everything must have its steps from small scale into bigger ones to get the product! it is the elements of production! voila!

preparation of the dome

we have been given an assignment by cik wan.. we need to get ourselves into a group consists of 5 people and build a dome.. and of course we are the actors.. we need to design, build and assemble our product at the proposed site at HBP premise.. the rules are the team members must be at least one from different major.. not to forget the lifespan of the dome is about 12 months and we need to send a report about the dome to the rspected cik wan..

before that we as a team gathered to have a discussion on what materials that we want to use, the tools and everything about the project..

with the help of the site virtual-dome calculator we can figure the length of the bamboo struts that shall we use to build the dome.. we searched for the bamboo and found it for free!

the 10 ft bamboo before it was cut

Intention : get the bamboo into struts

Actors : the group members

Act : measure, cut, drill the bamboo

measuring and cutting the bamboo

the drilling process

site : bayan lepas-- near the bamboo tree

rule : cut the bamboo accordingly refer to the measurement

product : the bamboo struts

bamboo struts-- done!

we cleaned the place back.. we took all the bamboo struts all the way to our studio 100 to tie the bamboo together so it'll be easy for us to build the dome and carry it..

Intention : to build the dome easily and make it carryable
Actor : the group members
Act : tie the bamboo into shapes
Site : studio 100
Rule : tie the bamboo using the material given --wire and paper glue-- and tie it right using the diagram
Product : the shaped bamboo!

the triangle bamboo

the pentagon-shaped bamboo

we did this for the whole day.. i end up looking like a vampire's wife at the end of the day.. it was so tiring but we managed to get it done.. that's what i've been prouding of..
wait up for my next post.. i'll tell you about the dome day

Monday, September 15, 2008

lecture 2

site is one of the element in production
there are seven scales that we need to look out..
and they are..








the object, interior, building and bigger scales until regional can be differentiate out easily by us.. but how about at global scale? how do we look at it?
there are a lot of perceptions that certain actors looked at globe..

maybe we can try to trail their side of view.. it doesn't matter which one that you believe Because there is no right or wrong about it.. it is just people's mind speaking..

maybe you might agree with the eurocentric view or..

you prefer Buckminster Fuller's? can you see Aussie anywhere there?

and the big question is how do we look at this world?guys.. have you ever aware that we are living in a dying planet? too many constructions and designing and build going on in this world by the actors such as earthling, inhabitant of earth, global villager, designer, builder and developer. we are destroying our own home and lead her towards destruction. we tried to think like an economist where too many words of profits keep on pondering in our minds.. hence there are certain actors or smart ones tried to develop a much sustain world by decreasing the population..

before, the world is so big and wide until we couldn't figure out what to do with her... however, things changed now where we have limited access to food and energy.. the earth cannot sustain the increasing population..

these are basically their basis of intention :
a) reproduce as long as there are foods
b) family planning not effective
c) New World Order? maybe?

have you ever heard about iatrogenocide?

iatrogenocide means :

caused by treatment or diagnostic procedures. An iatrogenic disorder is a condition caused by medical personnel or procedures or through exposure to the environment of a health care facility, including fears instilled in patients by remarks or questions of examining physicians. See also: 'nosocomial', (iatrogenesis, iatrogeny, n.) ~Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 5th Edition, 1998

there are several shocking results due to this illness in US. citizens never realize about this though many cases happened where this is the third major illness in US after heart disease and cancer.. here is the link where you can click on it. iatrogenocide

maybe iatrogenocide is the new way to swoosh away certain useless people but it will however be unfair to those that have given their deeds toward the world and global.. what do you think?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

USM 38th Convocation from event to oval

just like the years before.. convocation week arrived as our super seniors waiting for these days to get their graduation certificate.. it is not just a simple convocation day.. things got rather hectic and road blocks, traffic jam.. you just name it.. but anyway, usm security managed to endure the problem..

parents and relatives will have mini reunions to celebrate the students' achievement.. hence a LOT of booths consist of food, drinks, accessories, textiles and so on were opened for business opportunity.. the booths were arranged at the field near school of chemistry and DTSP.. the place became the hot spot for shoppers to bargain the selling price and get a much reasonable price..

drivers may have problem with parking lots but with the help of a few signboards which has been changed by law.. vehicles could easily passed through usm ..

intention ? - seeing the event happened during the convocation days
act? - people buying and selling stuffs..
actor? - sellers, customers, students, authorities families
site? - USM convocation event at oval
rule? - from 14th-16th august
product? - the pictures of the process from the busy event until the clean-up days!

during the busy day of convocation..

wee!! the kids can have their superb days here

look at the trapped cars! authority try to help undergo the situation

the lorry starts to clean up the place-- they intend to clean everything before the end of holiday

the clean up process untill the final product:

an empty oval--this is the product
after the convocation days.. the field was left without a single trace of the sell n buy activities.. cleanliness is very2 important here..

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

production of my construction

before i lost any memories about the 'how' and 'what' of my blog construction.. i told myself to get my writing done.. that is called intention..

so here it is.. step by step

  1. first, you would need an account for a new blog.. as i already had a blogger account i guess my job for this task won't be that hard.. instead, i just click on the create a blog button to produce a new one.. this is the place where i found my site to build my own blog construction..
  2. i was imagining about the looks of my blog before.. i want it to look tacky and more vintage elements inside it.. that is called intention because i intend to create it implicitly..
  3. perhaps imagining won't be helping much.. so i started to browse the template that can match my desire.. i always use pyzam as my search tool.. it takes quiet some time to finally found the template that suits my taste and criteria.. --you can click on the link that i gave you
  4. i didn't mention about the rules and regulations that blogger had encounter on you before you signing up into this account.. well there are several of them and i couldnt remember quiet for sure the content of it.. all you have to do is click the box that said 'i agreed' and you will move on to the next step. easy
  5. i asked the seniors (actor) about the task that was given.. at first i wasn't quiet sure about what mr 1b wanted from us but then after a few elaborations.. and the 'ah' 'owh' from me. i can finally tackle the web and my pc to produce a blog.. - i was confused about the usage of the word 'site' there..
  6. i used the picture of audrey hepburn to add the vintage touch into my design.. of course the picture has been edited using adobe photoshop cs3.. cool! i put it as my header.. i also create an intro text beside the bigger box.. and not to forget a few pictures to add some colours to my blog.. in the end.. voila! my new blog.. which i'd entitled it as memoirs of a hbp-ian.. this is my final production..
lots of things coming up!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

how do we begin to look at BUILT ENVIRONMENT?

do you understand the terminology of built environment? that is basically the question that mr wan burhanuddin asked in the lecture of 3 hours or less. i myself don't really know the real thing about built environment and how does it works towards our society and land?

for the first lecture..

what do you mean by production?
a few students was asked to speak up their thoughts about production and some of them could answer quiet precisely.. good job!

production consists of these 6 main things:

  • intentions (niat)
  • act (laku)
  • product (hasil)
  • actor (aktor)
  • rule (peraturan)
  • site (tapak)


explicit - showing or describing something clearly or say it out
implicit - suggested without being directly expressed

intention must be accompanied by knowledge and we need to build up intention with knowledge. knowledge will determine the product of act and actor produces it through :
-understanding with heart
-from heart, the understanding will move to the brain



rule considered as the believe that someone is holding to and the ideology that sometimes can effect someone's life.. examples of rule are : law, act, regulation, habit, believe

the ideology of :

1. there is no such thing as right or wrong is called altruism
2. everything is wrong is called cynicism
3. everything is right called relativism
4. and some of them believe that there are things right and wrong

seekerisme is the ideology of someone that always seek and search for the truth whereas taoisme believe that we don't have to search for the truth. just throw away your false/lies/disinformation inside you..

right or wrong?

as for me.. rule is just a huge tease that human created as they believe that it will somehow control the behaviour and movement of other people.. but what that they have created actually is a junk of rebellious generation that never sees and feel the extraordinaire of the world. i mean.. do they really care? rule tried to control their freedom.. for some good reason it is necessary to create such thing as rule that we need to act with full obligation.

ideology is just some believe that produce the strength within ourselves through disciplinary and the obligation that was meant to be necessitated.


the person that is doing the act for example engineer, architect, professional, etc


-spiritualproduct as in material


-differ within the climate and height and the position on the earth

example of site

other sites (real)
-land, floor, table, paper

virtual sites
-thoughts, dream, internet

-the actions that we did in order to produce a product

so.. that's basically what we learnt about the definition of production. i'll explain about the construction of my blog using the terminologies in production that was given during the lecture..
