do you understand the terminology of built environment? that is basically the question that mr wan burhanuddin asked in the lecture of 3 hours or less. i myself don't really know the real thing about built environment and how does it works towards our society and land?
for the first lecture..
what do you mean by production?
a few students was asked to speak up their thoughts about production and some of them could answer quiet precisely.. good job!
production consists of these 6 main things:
- intentions (niat)
- act (laku)
- product (hasil)
- actor (aktor)
- rule (peraturan)
- site (tapak)
explicit - showing or describing something clearly or say it out
implicit - suggested without being directly expressed
intention must be accompanied by knowledge and we need to build up intention with knowledge. knowledge will determine the product of act and actor produces it through :
-understanding with heart
-from heart, the understanding will move to the brain
rule considered as the believe that someone is holding to and the ideology that sometimes can effect someone's life.. examples of rule are : law, act, regulation, habit, believe
the ideology of :
1. there is no such thing as right or wrong is called altruism
2. everything is wrong is called cynicism
3. everything is right called relativism
4. and some of them believe that there are things right and wrong
seekerisme is the ideology of someone that always seek and search for the truth whereas taoisme believe that we don't have to search for the truth. just throw away your false/lies/disinformation inside you..
as for me.. rule is just a huge tease that human created as they believe that it will somehow control the behaviour and movement of other people.. but what that they have created actually is a junk of rebellious generation that never sees and feel the extraordinaire of the world. i mean.. do they really care? rule tried to control their freedom.. for some good reason it is necessary to create such thing as rule that we need to act with full obligation.
ideology is just some believe that produce the strength within ourselves through disciplinary and the obligation that was meant to be necessitated.
the person that is doing the act for example engineer, architect, professional, etc
-differ within the climate and height and the position on the earth
other sites (real)
-land, floor, table, paper
virtual sites
-thoughts, dream, internet
-the actions that we did in order to produce a product

so.. that's basically what we learnt about the definition of production. i'll explain about the construction of my blog using the terminologies in production that was given during the lecture..
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